Thursday, September 15, 2011

Queen M

I can't begin to explain your complexity
You have the most complicated personality
You've cost me so much negative energy
Now that you're futher away I can breathe

You are so harsh, you punish those
Those who dare to come a bit close
Those who try to love you the most

Am I your friend because I know you so well?
Because you're afraid of all I could tell?
Cause I've seen you without your hard shell?

Cause I don't feel our friendship is based upon
The same things I've had with others friends for so long
Your whole idea of friendship is wrong

I am tired of your mistrust and suspicion
You question my motives when there's no reason
You punish me for your own bad decisions

I'm tired of proving myself constantly
I am best friends with some friends since I was three
If I was really bad, they wouldn't be

Friendship with you requires me
To show my sincerity constantly
As you force me to prove I am trustworthy

Why can't you trust yourself and believe
That even if I would be a liar you'd still be
And you could still move on and get over me